The Ultimate Guide for How to Test Perfume

how to test perfume

Perfume is a great way to express your individual style and can help you feel more confident. With so many different scents on the market, it can be hard to know which one will suit you best. So how do you go about fragrance testing?

Read on for our top tips on how to test perfume like an expert! 

Apply it to the Right Places 

how to test perfume

When testing fragrances, whether it is perfume for her, perfume for him or a unisex perfume, make sure you apply it directly onto clean skin as opposed to clothing or paper. This will give you an accurate idea of how the scent develops over time and how it reacts with your body chemistry. It's best to start out by spraying the perfume on your wrists, behind the ears, and neck area—these are all pulse points that will help amplify the fragrance. Avoid spraying too much perfume; a little goes a long way! 

Take Your Time 

bottles of perfume

Once you have sprayed the perfume onto your skin, it's important to wait for a few minutes before making any decisions about it. Different perfumes take time to develop once they are applied, and some notes may not be immediately apparent. The longer you wait, the better sense you will get of whether or not this is a good fit for you.

Don't be tempted to rush while you test perfumes. Take your time and really focus on each individual fragrance. Sniff the perfume samples one at a time, being sure not to mix up different scents together as this can ruin the effect of the fragrances. Be sure to give yourself at least three or four minutes between trying different samples so that you can fully appreciate each one without any distractions.  

Note Your Impressions 

person writing in notebook

As you sample each scent, take note of how it makes you feel and what impressions come into your mind when smelling it. Does it bring back memories? Does it make you feel energized or relaxed? Writing down these impressions is a great way to remember which fragrances you liked the most (or least).  

Know Your Notes 

bottles of perfume

Perfumes usually consist of top notes (the ones that are immediately noticeable), middle notes (the heart of the smell), and base notes (the deeper scents). Get familiar with what types of scents typically make up each component so that when testing fragrances, you can decide if these components work together harmoniously or clash in an unpleasant way. Also be aware that fragrances can smell differently depending on your body chemistry; even if someone else loves a particular scent, it might not work as well for you! 

Common Top Notes

  • Citrus
  • Fruity
  • Floral

Common Middle Notes

  • Spicy
  • Woody
  • Earthy

Common Base Notes

  • Musk
  • Amber
  • Vanilla

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a certain time of day when I should apply perfume?

It really depends on personal preference, however some people prefer applying their scent early in the morning as this allows it to “develop” throughout the day. Alternatively, some people like to spray their fragrance mid-day or just before going out in the evening.

Ultimately, it is best to experiment and determine what works best for you! Also, keep in mind that different scents may need to be applied at different times of day depending on your activities or location. For instance, light fragrances may be better suited for daytime wear while heavier scents could work better for night-time occasions.

How can I make a perfume last longer?

There are several things that contribute to making your perfume last longer throughout the day. Firstly, it is important to use a good moisturizer as lotions and creams help “lock” in the scent of the fragrance.

Secondly, try not to rub or dab at the applied area after you spray it, as this will break down its molecules faster. Finally, spraying on pulse points such as wrists and neck tends to work best since heat helps release the scent more evenly. However, remember that everyone's skin chemistry is different so what works for someone else may not work for you!

What is the best way to store perfume?

Proper storage and care for your perfume can help it retain its original notes and last longer. Store your fragrance away from any direct sunlight or heat, as this will break down the scent molecules faster. Additionally, make sure to keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use and avoid storing opened perfumes in humid places like bathrooms. Check out our helpful guide How to Organize Perfume Like a Pro for more tips!

What is the difference between perfume, eau de parfum, and eau de toilette?

Perfume refers to the highest concentration of fragrance oils in a product. This means that it will have a stronger scent and last longer on your skin than any other type of fragrance. Eau de parfum comes next with a lower concentration of fragrances, but still has a strong scent that may last up to 5 hours.

Lastly, eau de toilette is the lowest concentration of fragrances out of these three types and often doesn’t last as long. However, these are general guidelines so it is important to test each scent and find what works best for you!

Is there a difference between designer and non-designer perfumes?

Yes, there can be differences in the quality of designer and non-designer fragrances. Designer brand fragrances, such as Ed Hardy Perfume, usually contain higher concentrations of essential oils which give them a richer scent and longer lasting power. On the other hand, non-designer scents are often made with synthetic ingredients that may not last as long but cost less. Ultimately, it is up to personal preference when choosing between these two types of fragrance products.

Final Thoughts

Perfume testing can be a fun and informative experience, but it’s important to go into the process with knowledge and patience. Familiarize yourself with the different types of notes that make up each scent, pay attention to your own body chemistry, and take time to really appreciate each fragrance before moving onto the next one and ultimately choosing the right perfume.

By using these tips, you will have a much better idea on which perfumes work best for you and your unique sense of style. Browse our ranges of testers for her and testers for him at Perfume Empire to find your signature scent today!